Inspiring remarkable change. Dot by dot. Line by line. Story by story.


My name is



“With a pencil, persistence, and the power of the ripple effect anyone can change the world.”

What do I do?

I am a Creator, Educator, Storyteller, and the founder of Neekonline.

I help purpose-driven creators, educators, and changemakers to bring their ideas to life, tell their story, and amplify their message, so they can spark curiosity, inspire action, and leave an indelible mark on the world.

How do I do it?

By building a house of brands—each with its own personality, yet united by the same purpose and aligned with my plan de vida:

To follow my curiosity, create with intention, and inspire remarkable change. Dot by dot. Line by line. Story by story.

I help purpose-driven creators, educators, and changemakers to bring their ideas to life, tell their story, and amplify their message, so they can spark curiosity, inspire action, and leave an indelible mark on the world.

  1. Visual Communication – Simplify, clarify, and enhance understanding of ideas and processes through live scribing, illustrations, and sketchnotes, with a more personal, hand-crafted feel.

  2. Visual Identity Design – Design and build narrrative-driven brand identities that engage, connect, and resonate with audiences on a deeper level.

  3. Visual Storytelling – Communicate complex ideas and deliver impactful messages through narrative-driven visuals, videos, and presentations that inform, engage, and inspire action.

Why does it matter?

Steve Jobs once said:

“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.”

Stories shape how we see the world—they are how we spread ideas, shift our perspectives, and inspire action. The right story, told the right way, to the right person, can turn our struggles into strengths, build bridges between people and possibilities, and create a ripple effect that leads to real, meaningful, and lasting change.

I believe that the tiniest of moments lead to the grandest of adventures. 

I also believe that with a pencil, persistence, and the power of the ripple effect anyone can change the world. 

And by that, I mean that when we follow our curiosity, create with intention, and share our story we might not change the world ourselves, but we might be able to give the people who can a little nudge—the creators, educators, and changemakers of the future.

Interested in working with me?

Email me or drop me a line for inquiries, collaborations, or just to say hello at:

“A line is a dot that went for a walk.”

— Paul Klee

Every story begins with a blank page


Life would be easy if it went like this…


…Or like this.


…Or even like this!


But most of the time, it feels more like this.


Just when you think you’re getting somewhere, and things are finally going as planned…


…life throws you a curve and suddenly you’re being pulled in a hundred different directions.


But, what if you could untangle all the mess and start to see the bigger picture?


You’d realise that you’d had everything you needed to change your story all along...

…You were just looking too closely.


No matter where you find yourself or how dire things seem, you always have a choice — do something; or do nothing.


The decisions you make today will shape the person you become tomorrow. So, choose wisely. There is always a way.


Our stories aren’t remembered for how many times we fall, but for how many times we rise, and how hard we fight.


If you don’t know where you want to go, getting anywhere will always be a struggle. No wind will be favourable…

…And you’ll end up getting nowhere.

Up, down, left, or right?

Life without direction feels like a never-ending trudge…


…Or an exhausting uphill climb.

And every day, you wonder if you’ll ever make it to the top.

From a worm’s-eye view, life seems like a neverending maze of twists and turns, overs, unders, and throughs.

It’s easy to feel lost, uncertain, or overwhelmed when you can’t see the way ahead and you’re just blindly stumbling from day to day.

But from a bird’s-eye view, all life’s struggles become nothing more than another dot.

And every dot is just one tiny part of a much bigger picture.

And if you collect enough of those dots and join them together, what do you get?

You get a line.

A line that becomes your story.

The thing is, every success, every failure, every barrier, pitfall, mistake, or bump in the road is just one more dot. It’s just one more plot point in the story of your life.

And this how you make your mark in the world.

Through the things that you do, the stories you share, and the people you meet along the way. 

It’s about the choices you make, the opportunities you miss, the lessons you learn, and the chances you take.

Steve Jobs once said:

You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.
— Steve Jobs

Your story lies not so much in the dots you collect, but in how you choose to connect them.

So, set your course and leave a trail.

You see, it’s the tiniest of moments that lead to the grandest of adventures.

Between where you are now and where you want to be, lies a great story...


…All you need to do is find it.

It’s not about where your story begins. It’s where it goes that counts.

The best time to start a new chapter was yesterday. The next best time is today.

Where will your story take you?

The End?


“You may delay, but time will not,

- Benjamin Franklin